Sponsorship Application & Invention Disclosure Form

Please fill the form as accurately and comprehensively as possible. Please feel free to elaborate further, if necessary. Where information is not known, the relevant fields may be left blank. Doing so will not impact negatively on the assessment of your invention. However, the more information you provide us with when completing this form, the more rapidly and accurately the WeGo Library Foundation will be able to assess your invention & merits for Sponsorship for patent process fees & assistance.

The details required are for the person completing this Invention Disclosure Form. This person will be the primary contact in relation to this disclosure. It should ideally be the Principal Inventor.


Office: (91) 9619429802
[email protected]


4th Floor, Ojas Avenue, Gandharv Nagar, Sri Sri Ravishankar Marg, Nashik, Maharashtra, INDIA

Building Patent Ecosystem – Train The Trainer Program